Carol's 1914 Dress & Regency Dress Show & Tell Feb 10 Written By Jennie Chancey Carol created these lovely outfits from my 1914 Afternoon Dress pattern (navy) and my Regency Gown pattern (white). She used the instructions from the 1914 pattern to create the secret nursing access on the Regency gown, which worked splendidly! 1914DressesJane AustennursingRegency Jennie Chancey
Carol's 1914 Dress & Regency Dress Show & Tell Feb 10 Written By Jennie Chancey Carol created these lovely outfits from my 1914 Afternoon Dress pattern (navy) and my Regency Gown pattern (white). She used the instructions from the 1914 pattern to create the secret nursing access on the Regency gown, which worked splendidly! 1914DressesJane AustennursingRegency Jennie Chancey