Mercy's Amazing Regency Gown Class Creations
Mercy A. enrolled in my Regency Gown class in 2022 and has just gone to town with making one gown after another—then altering the pattern to create overdresses and more. I am so proud of her work, which she shares here!

I really enjoyed the sewing class I took with Jennie to make this 2-piece ensemble. I made the underdress out of tissue silk and the overdress out of embroidered organdy. She helped me pick out the fabrics online, explaining what they were known for and how it might look. She offered pointers whenever I was uncertain. Without her help I would not have completed this ensemble, and could never have afforded to have it sewn for me by a seamstress who does precision sewing.
I made a red gown to go underneath the white overlay that I made over the fall. I also made a cape to go with my outfits. I've included a Christmas Ensemble that I wore to a living history museum where I was volunteering.
Thanks Jennie!